Cherish is pleased to present “J’ai vu une femme qui battait la lumière dans un mortier”
a solo exhibition featuring works by Zahra Hakim.
The idea of memory, dreams and the passage of time are major themes in Zahra
Hakim’s practice. The artist explores ways to generate care, mutualism and generosity
through shapes and materials. As a result of this, she manifests to awaken a space’s
spirit. The practice of care often comes to light via observation and dialogue;
constituting a fertile soil for resilience. Resilience is necessary in assisting us to live
and accept our reality but also to forgive ourselves for our wrongs, as well as those
who have harmed us.
Looking out for lost paradises, the best ones. Constantly finding ways to rebirth life
again. For this, light is not only useful, it is essential. Light can be found in a multiplicity
of different places: in the palm of one’s hand, in the middle of a plate or making its way
through growing leaves and blooming tulips. Light is essential for growth and is often
found at the centre of our hearts and homes. Whatever you call home; a smile, a meal,
a loved one, a dream. Even if you think that light cannot be seen nor felt, it is always
possible to turn back whether in time or in yourself to catch it again.
`چیزها دیدم در روی زمین
کودکی دیدم ماه را بو می کرد
قفس ی بی در دیدم که در آن روشنی پرپر می زد
نردبانی که از آن عشق می رفت به بام ملکوت
من زنی را دیدم نور در هاون می کوبید
ظهر در سفره آنان نان بود سبز ی بود دور ی شبنم بود کاسه داغ محبت بود
سهراب سپهر ی
I saw many things on earth
I saw a child who sniffed the moon
I saw a gateless cage in which light was fluttering a flight of stairs that love was
mounted to the roof of heaven
I saw a woman pounding light in a mortar
At noon there was bread, vegetables, distance of gillyflower in their tables, and a hot
bowl of kindness
Sohab Sepehri, 1964
Zahra's exhibition is accompanied by a dinner taking place once a month in the space. Dates and subscribtions down below:
February 17th:
Please note that each dinner is limited to 15 participants.
Subscribtions are on a first come first served basis.
Participation's fee: 20CHF per person.
Cherish and the artist would like to specially thank Delphine Mouly.